Warrior Week Podcast

Warrior Week Podcast | EP25 - The Problem of Feelings

Episode Summary

This issue is particularly prevalent in society, as men are often expected to be tough and emotionless, showing vulnerability is seen as a sign of weakness. Coach Max and Coach Sam recognize the negative impact this expectation has on men's mental health and well-being. They also understand that it creates a cycle of toxic masculinity, where men are unable to express their emotions and end up resorting to unhealthy coping mechanisms such as alcohol or drug abuse. To address this problem, Coach Max and Coach Sam encourage men to challenge societal norms and embrace their feelings. They emphasize that being able to sit in one's feelings requires strength and courage, rather than weakness. By allowing themselves to be vulnerable and open up about their emotions, men can build healthier relationships with themselves and others. Furthermore, Coach Max and Coach Sam advocate for creating safe spaces where men can freely express their feelings without judgment or ridicule. This could be through therapy or support groups specifically designed for male emotional support. They also stress the importance of self-reflection and introspection for men to understand their emotions better. By identifying the root causes of their emotions, men can learn how to manage them effectively rather than suppressing them.